
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Being A Little... Dynamics of A Daddy Dom Baby Girl Relationship - Father's Day Thoughts

As I woke up this morning thinking about just how I felt about today being Father's Day my thoughts started to wonder a bit. What does the words Father, Dad and Daddy mean to me? 

First off the word Father or Dad stir a very different emotion inside of me. It's the relationship of my birth father, step father or as it applies to "the father of my children" 

                       BIRTH FATHER

 I think this is the only positive male role model i had in my childhood. The dynamics ended up being positive. He is a very laid back calm and caring ...not easy to anger type personality. Hes always been the type of father that no matter what is going on in his life he would drop everything just to be there for his daughter. Even though my parents where divorced when I was 10 this didn't break the bond between him and I . I was very fortunate to have such a wonderful father in my life.

                      STEP FATHER

 This is a very emotional category in my past. He was a very controlling authoritarian type personality. I suppose some of that was due his military training. He was the male that truly distorted my young tender view of males and the world in general. My childhood turned from being innocent and loving to my days filled with childhood sexual abuse ... leading the way to my adult feelings of abandonment and mistrust. My step father gave me my first taste of BDSM ( spanking, ropes, cuffs, pain, and the list goes on) 


 This has been a very positive relationship for my children. I can honestly say he has been a good father to them. He has taught them so many good things about being the type of responsible people they have grown up to be... for this I am thankful. He has not always been there for me on an emotional level and is not capable of being that Master/Daddy Dom that i truly need... so for this reason the relationship has at some points lead to feelings of fulfillment... abandonment.... mistrust.


                 DADDY / MASTER

As today is Father's Day its stirred me to think about how my past relationships with males have influenced me to be a little ( Daddy/ little relationship within an adult type relationship). Being a little isn't for everyone and I understand that... many people... mostly ones that don't understand the dynamic find it to be disturbing but really its not about the Doms attraction to children at all... its way different than that.

Everyone that has a Daddy/little relationship is different in how they lay the ground rules and expectations.... No two are the same.

When I first started embracing my submissive side I really didn't set out to find this type of relationship.. the thought had not even crossed my mind. Only by chance in researching on google did i find what this type of relationship was. While reading various submissive blogs I had one of those ahhhhh moments that you just know deep in your soul....


Fast forward past just the research stage.... I was approached by a Dom in a role play type of virtual world online.... again I was not even on the site in search of anyone or anything... just enjoying using my skills as a graphic artist. The relationship grew slow. As I discovered the Daddy part of my now Master it all made perfect since about how my previous life has effected my draw to this type of Daddy/ little relationship.

Just my personal thoughts as it pertains to my life....

I've always needed the strong emotional arms of a male role model to embrace my emotional needs. Maybe because those lines where blurred so much in my childhood... with boundaries being crossed that never should have by a male role model in my childhood. My Daddy Dom definitely fulfills this need inside of me. His loving arms around me replaces the thoughts of abandonment and emotional harm with safe secure grounded emotions. This theory does not hold true for all Daddy/little relationships not all have a past history of abuse... this relationship is not about my Daddy trying to heal my past abuse... although he does take on this role as it is his choice to do so. 

I have read studies that daughters grow up to seek male relationships much like that which resembles the personality traits of their birth fathers. This idea does make sense to me that my Daddy Dom is much like that... he is calm, caring and comforting. It takes a lot to make my Daddy Dom angry... which I don't think I ever want to cross that line with him and I haven't in the years we have been together. I do think I have learned my place well... I know what is expected of me.... and I don't fight it. 

I think of my Daddy as my guide threw life. I am very much dependent on him for my emotional growth but at the same time can very much stand on my own to handle things that need to be as he allows. Being a little isn't a sign of weakness in my eyes... its about being that special person that Daddy holds in the highest spot in his heart. He is my protector and very much the center of my universe.... the light that guides my every step. To him I am his baby girl and slut... he puts all my needs first and will go to extremes to make sure I am safe and emotionally happy. Daddy challenges his baby girl to grow in her submission and isn't afraid to hand down punishment only because he loves me.

Now for the topic of sexual play... for Daddy and I it is ALWAYS me being very much an adult.... age play is not our thing. As for physical appearance Daddy does give the order for his baby girl to be in pig tails with long ribbons... much like is the way my mother put my hair up as a child. I enjoy it and find that when my hair is up this way i feel an extreme sense of being HIS baby girl! 

I would be very interested in hearing from some other littles or Daddy Dom type relationships about their dynamics... feel free to comment below or email me for a private discussion on the topic.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Stay Safe Today Sexy People: Tornado, flood alerts as storm system pushes east! HOT Sexy in Tornado!

Yesterday was supposed to be an uneventful day for me but it turned out to be anything but uneventful! I just had to share it with all of the sexy people out there :) YUMMMMM!!!!

Morning broke and it was the typical early morning news and a cup of coffee black. Jake reminded me that I needed to get shopping done early as we were under a high risk of sever weather. In the Midwest that translates to tornadoes at a moments notice. The weather man on the morning news was going over safety rules for such an event.... "folks be aware of your safe places as you go about your day today" To us lifetime Midwest people the message was just normal ramblings of a weather man on a typical Wednesday morning in June.... these type of storms happen all the time! 

Showering and with a freshly shaven pussy...dressed for the day with my favorite sexy jean skirt, white lacy  halter top with spaghetti string straps and new summer sandals  I purchased last week (cute and affordable click HERE to see)... it was off to complete the days tasks.... a quick stop at the post office.... on to the bank..... and last but not least the dreaded grocery shopping at the good old Walley World! 

Its well known to me that when its storming and you are in the middle of a Walmart it sounds like you're in the middle of a greenhouse.... you hear every rain drop that hits. While making my way threw the grocery isles rain started to pour which sounded 10 times worse than it actually was. Huge bangs of thunder and lightening that streaked across the sky lighting up the front of the store could be seen threw the entrance doors. For a split second my mind raced with thoughts of wishing I was finished with shopping so I could be home safe and sound. With thoughts racing and the sound of hail starting .... BUZZ was the vib of my cell phone.... NEW TEXT MESSAGE..... "This is your Master the weather is going to get crazy stay where ever you are! " Knowing that the weather doesn't ever concern Master my heart started racing with fear and at the same time hot arousal filled my whole being like always when I receive a text from my Master! 

Standing in the middle of the produce isle I made a call to my Master to notify him I was ok and I would ride out the storm at Walmart. As usual the phone call ended with I Love You Master your slut will be hot all day thinking about Master yes I will obey. Upon disconnecting.. my eyes caught the stare of another customer ..... he was obviously texting and smiling at me as I'm sure he heard my conversation. A little embarrassed my face I'm sure was beat red :) He walked over to me and started a conversation...

"Hi .... my name is Chuck I don't typically talk to cute females in the middle of Walmart but I couldn't help but over hear your conversation on your cell phone and then I realized you are Johns slut"

Relief filled my mind! This wasn't just some weirdo in the middle of Walmart staring at me undressing me with his eyes LOL. Chuck had been at a BDSM munch event Master & I  had attended over the holiday weekend. We continued talking about the munch we had both attended.... which was helpful to get my mind distracted from the looming storm outside.  

 The sirens started blaring from outside...and a males voice sounding over the loud speaker.... "Customers please walk calmly to the back of the building we are under a tornado warning at this time" 

Fear over came my face I'm sure .... I am not the best at staying calm in the face of a tornado! Chuck reached over placing his arm around me... told me it would be fine... as in a guiding way. My mind was at this point numbing out and was just following the directions being voiced over the loud speaker. My Master called and as I explained the situation and the other Dom Chuck that happened to be there.... I hear my Master say... "Good allow him to comfort you and let him know I said its ok for you to make it worth his while" Shyly I responded.... " Is that an order Master?" He said yes slut it is an order....


I conveyed the message from my Master to Chuck... he responded with a slightly evil grin.. Ohhhh.... well we will have to see just how this slut can make it worth my while! 

In the back of the Walmart there was an anxious crowd starting to gather to stay as safe as possible till the storm passed. The loud sound of wind and hail on the roof was over powering. Master Chuck led me to the back right of the store to the restrooms... he gave me an order.... "slut go in the womens restroom and see if everyone is out? There wasn't a soul inside.... we entered and just like he knew the layout of this Walmart he turned quickly to lock the door behind.... a dead blot I had noticed in the past but always thought hmmm I wonder why that is there... and thinking to myself oh I suppose for emergency situations to keep the employees safe if there was ever a threat. Never once had I thought it would become useful for a situation I was in!!! I will never look at that dead bolt the same again.

Chuck leaned in to kiss this slut and whispered... show this Master what you have slut ..present to me as you would your true Master.... NOW on the counter spread for Master! By the tone of his voice this was an order not a request.... his teeth biting this sluts neck hard his hand reaching under this sluts skirt.... forcing three fingers so deep in this sluts tight soaked pussy.... with force he was pushing this slut up on to the sink counter! This slut let out a low deep moan as her pussy was being stretched beyond comfort. Wiggling to make sluts way on to the counter pushing her withering body onto the sink counter. Placing each foot on the counter with sluts thighs spread wide...

Dom Chuck comments.... This is the best tornado I have ever been in... what a beautiful pussy your Master owns! He stepped back gazing at this slut......You do know that at the munch I was watching your Master and two others fucking your tight little holes & hoping for permission to be granted to fuck you??? Well it looks like today is my lucky day!

Forcefully stretching this sluts throbbing pussy with all four finger now Dom Chuck states.... This slut does know this Master is going to take whatever he pleases dont you??? This slut replied ... Yes Master I am here to satisfy you as ordered by this sluts Master. Just then he pulled his soaked fingers from this sluts pussy and filled this sluts hole replacing his fingers with something that felt unfamiliar.... his left hand forcefully fucking this hot dripping pussy and sucking this sluts hard nipples under the halter top. Master Chuck loudly voices his commands.... CUM NOW YOU DIRTY LITTLE BITCH MAKE YOUR MASTER PROUD! This slut let out a scream louder than the roaring thunder that could be hard from the inside out.... as this pussy gushed hot cum all over the counter top of the bathroom.... reaching down to pinch this sluts clit I felt something so hard and cool pounding this sluts pussy.... 

Master Chuck states .... Ohhhh you dirty lil slut you enjoy that big cucumber inside your pussy don't you??? This sluts voice was totally gone and could not be even imagined as Master forced this slut into another full body orgasm.... the words rolling off Master Chucks lips.... " Well this cucumber is going in that tight lil ass of yours and a big hard cock is going to fill that pussy!!!

OMGGGGGGG just then Master ripped the cucumber from this sluts pussy and forced it deep inside this sluts ass.... so tight and full of pressure that one can not even imagine filling my ass.... Master slowly teased the soaked pussy stretching lips around Masters huge throbbing cock.... Master whispers in sluts ear.... " BEG FOR IT YOU DIRTY SLUT..... orgasm continued to be forced out of this sluts dripping cunt... begging for Masters big hard cock just screamed from this sluts throat. Master pounded his big rock hard cock inside and let out a moan unlike anything this slut has heard before.... Ohhh FUCK YESSS your pussy is so sweet! Masters cum exploding inside and just as this slut is on the edge of the biggest orgasm of her life Master reached down grabbing the cucumber in sluts ass and at a rapid pace fucked this sluts ass until cum was squirting from this sluts already used pussy... this sluts body slipped into subspace and quivered on the counter top.. Master Chuck caressing this sluts body over and over until a voice came over the loud speaker....

 The threat of sever weather has past all customer can resume their shopping thank you for your cooperation. 

Master Chuck unlocked the restroom door and turned to this slut standing in front of him and said....And I thank you slut for your cooperation... next time I do hope we can meet under better situation now take that hot sweet pussy home to her Master and tell him proudly you made it worth this Masters while! 

Let me tell you that was the best TORNADO I have ever been in my whole life! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So You Want to Squirt??? Female Ejaculation

So you are interested in squirting..... isn't every female? The ultimate of all orgasms! 

I think getting me to the point of that total release was the best thing my Master ever did for me. To be very honest I never squirted with my husband. For years I went threw life enjoying sex and yet thinking there was something wrong with me because I didn't squirt when I had an orgasm. Well there is a lot to getting to the level of being able to squirt. 

1. Squirting for me at least doesn't just happen on a moments notice. Being completely relaxed and aroused is key to making it happen. So make sure you have plenty of time for foreplay and becoming completely soaked before your partner starts in on the  big O ..... this can't be a quickie!

2. Make sure you are well hydrated.... drink plenty of water during the hours before you will be having this mind blowing experience.

3. Make sure you have practiced locating your g-spot on your own before trying this with a partner. The more you can guild them to the right spot the better chance of getting to squirt. Paying attention to how much pressure and what type of strokes makes your pussy beg for more. Little hint the g-spot is 1-2 inches inside the vagina on the top.... just a rough patch you can feel with your fingers) 

4. Make sure to have plenty of lube! Rubbing with dry fingers will not get the sensations you are looking for!

5. COMMUNICATION is key to making it happen. Be open and honest with your partner about what you need.... faster ? slower? gental  or a little more aggressive  They cant read your mind so communication helps! 

Lastly I would like to add a link to one of the most informative videos I have ever seen on this subject.... after watching this you will be saying ohhhh wowww I want to try that! This guy is truly talented at getting the process correct and is so respectful of his partner when getting her to the level of squirting! VERY GOOD VIDEO for beginners trying to learn how to squirt.