
Monday, July 8, 2013

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Being A Little... Dynamics of A Daddy Dom Baby Girl Relationship - Father's Day Thoughts

As I woke up this morning thinking about just how I felt about today being Father's Day my thoughts started to wonder a bit. What does the words Father, Dad and Daddy mean to me? 

First off the word Father or Dad stir a very different emotion inside of me. It's the relationship of my birth father, step father or as it applies to "the father of my children" 

                       BIRTH FATHER

 I think this is the only positive male role model i had in my childhood. The dynamics ended up being positive. He is a very laid back calm and caring ...not easy to anger type personality. Hes always been the type of father that no matter what is going on in his life he would drop everything just to be there for his daughter. Even though my parents where divorced when I was 10 this didn't break the bond between him and I . I was very fortunate to have such a wonderful father in my life.

                      STEP FATHER

 This is a very emotional category in my past. He was a very controlling authoritarian type personality. I suppose some of that was due his military training. He was the male that truly distorted my young tender view of males and the world in general. My childhood turned from being innocent and loving to my days filled with childhood sexual abuse ... leading the way to my adult feelings of abandonment and mistrust. My step father gave me my first taste of BDSM ( spanking, ropes, cuffs, pain, and the list goes on) 


 This has been a very positive relationship for my children. I can honestly say he has been a good father to them. He has taught them so many good things about being the type of responsible people they have grown up to be... for this I am thankful. He has not always been there for me on an emotional level and is not capable of being that Master/Daddy Dom that i truly need... so for this reason the relationship has at some points lead to feelings of fulfillment... abandonment.... mistrust.


                 DADDY / MASTER

As today is Father's Day its stirred me to think about how my past relationships with males have influenced me to be a little ( Daddy/ little relationship within an adult type relationship). Being a little isn't for everyone and I understand that... many people... mostly ones that don't understand the dynamic find it to be disturbing but really its not about the Doms attraction to children at all... its way different than that.

Everyone that has a Daddy/little relationship is different in how they lay the ground rules and expectations.... No two are the same.

When I first started embracing my submissive side I really didn't set out to find this type of relationship.. the thought had not even crossed my mind. Only by chance in researching on google did i find what this type of relationship was. While reading various submissive blogs I had one of those ahhhhh moments that you just know deep in your soul....


Fast forward past just the research stage.... I was approached by a Dom in a role play type of virtual world online.... again I was not even on the site in search of anyone or anything... just enjoying using my skills as a graphic artist. The relationship grew slow. As I discovered the Daddy part of my now Master it all made perfect since about how my previous life has effected my draw to this type of Daddy/ little relationship.

Just my personal thoughts as it pertains to my life....

I've always needed the strong emotional arms of a male role model to embrace my emotional needs. Maybe because those lines where blurred so much in my childhood... with boundaries being crossed that never should have by a male role model in my childhood. My Daddy Dom definitely fulfills this need inside of me. His loving arms around me replaces the thoughts of abandonment and emotional harm with safe secure grounded emotions. This theory does not hold true for all Daddy/little relationships not all have a past history of abuse... this relationship is not about my Daddy trying to heal my past abuse... although he does take on this role as it is his choice to do so. 

I have read studies that daughters grow up to seek male relationships much like that which resembles the personality traits of their birth fathers. This idea does make sense to me that my Daddy Dom is much like that... he is calm, caring and comforting. It takes a lot to make my Daddy Dom angry... which I don't think I ever want to cross that line with him and I haven't in the years we have been together. I do think I have learned my place well... I know what is expected of me.... and I don't fight it. 

I think of my Daddy as my guide threw life. I am very much dependent on him for my emotional growth but at the same time can very much stand on my own to handle things that need to be as he allows. Being a little isn't a sign of weakness in my eyes... its about being that special person that Daddy holds in the highest spot in his heart. He is my protector and very much the center of my universe.... the light that guides my every step. To him I am his baby girl and slut... he puts all my needs first and will go to extremes to make sure I am safe and emotionally happy. Daddy challenges his baby girl to grow in her submission and isn't afraid to hand down punishment only because he loves me.

Now for the topic of sexual play... for Daddy and I it is ALWAYS me being very much an adult.... age play is not our thing. As for physical appearance Daddy does give the order for his baby girl to be in pig tails with long ribbons... much like is the way my mother put my hair up as a child. I enjoy it and find that when my hair is up this way i feel an extreme sense of being HIS baby girl! 

I would be very interested in hearing from some other littles or Daddy Dom type relationships about their dynamics... feel free to comment below or email me for a private discussion on the topic.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Stay Safe Today Sexy People: Tornado, flood alerts as storm system pushes east! HOT Sexy in Tornado!

Yesterday was supposed to be an uneventful day for me but it turned out to be anything but uneventful! I just had to share it with all of the sexy people out there :) YUMMMMM!!!!

Morning broke and it was the typical early morning news and a cup of coffee black. Jake reminded me that I needed to get shopping done early as we were under a high risk of sever weather. In the Midwest that translates to tornadoes at a moments notice. The weather man on the morning news was going over safety rules for such an event.... "folks be aware of your safe places as you go about your day today" To us lifetime Midwest people the message was just normal ramblings of a weather man on a typical Wednesday morning in June.... these type of storms happen all the time! 

Showering and with a freshly shaven pussy...dressed for the day with my favorite sexy jean skirt, white lacy  halter top with spaghetti string straps and new summer sandals  I purchased last week (cute and affordable click HERE to see)... it was off to complete the days tasks.... a quick stop at the post office.... on to the bank..... and last but not least the dreaded grocery shopping at the good old Walley World! 

Its well known to me that when its storming and you are in the middle of a Walmart it sounds like you're in the middle of a greenhouse.... you hear every rain drop that hits. While making my way threw the grocery isles rain started to pour which sounded 10 times worse than it actually was. Huge bangs of thunder and lightening that streaked across the sky lighting up the front of the store could be seen threw the entrance doors. For a split second my mind raced with thoughts of wishing I was finished with shopping so I could be home safe and sound. With thoughts racing and the sound of hail starting .... BUZZ was the vib of my cell phone.... NEW TEXT MESSAGE..... "This is your Master the weather is going to get crazy stay where ever you are! " Knowing that the weather doesn't ever concern Master my heart started racing with fear and at the same time hot arousal filled my whole being like always when I receive a text from my Master! 

Standing in the middle of the produce isle I made a call to my Master to notify him I was ok and I would ride out the storm at Walmart. As usual the phone call ended with I Love You Master your slut will be hot all day thinking about Master yes I will obey. Upon disconnecting.. my eyes caught the stare of another customer ..... he was obviously texting and smiling at me as I'm sure he heard my conversation. A little embarrassed my face I'm sure was beat red :) He walked over to me and started a conversation...

"Hi .... my name is Chuck I don't typically talk to cute females in the middle of Walmart but I couldn't help but over hear your conversation on your cell phone and then I realized you are Johns slut"

Relief filled my mind! This wasn't just some weirdo in the middle of Walmart staring at me undressing me with his eyes LOL. Chuck had been at a BDSM munch event Master & I  had attended over the holiday weekend. We continued talking about the munch we had both attended.... which was helpful to get my mind distracted from the looming storm outside.  

 The sirens started blaring from outside...and a males voice sounding over the loud speaker.... "Customers please walk calmly to the back of the building we are under a tornado warning at this time" 

Fear over came my face I'm sure .... I am not the best at staying calm in the face of a tornado! Chuck reached over placing his arm around me... told me it would be fine... as in a guiding way. My mind was at this point numbing out and was just following the directions being voiced over the loud speaker. My Master called and as I explained the situation and the other Dom Chuck that happened to be there.... I hear my Master say... "Good allow him to comfort you and let him know I said its ok for you to make it worth his while" Shyly I responded.... " Is that an order Master?" He said yes slut it is an order....


I conveyed the message from my Master to Chuck... he responded with a slightly evil grin.. Ohhhh.... well we will have to see just how this slut can make it worth my while! 

In the back of the Walmart there was an anxious crowd starting to gather to stay as safe as possible till the storm passed. The loud sound of wind and hail on the roof was over powering. Master Chuck led me to the back right of the store to the restrooms... he gave me an order.... "slut go in the womens restroom and see if everyone is out? There wasn't a soul inside.... we entered and just like he knew the layout of this Walmart he turned quickly to lock the door behind.... a dead blot I had noticed in the past but always thought hmmm I wonder why that is there... and thinking to myself oh I suppose for emergency situations to keep the employees safe if there was ever a threat. Never once had I thought it would become useful for a situation I was in!!! I will never look at that dead bolt the same again.

Chuck leaned in to kiss this slut and whispered... show this Master what you have slut ..present to me as you would your true Master.... NOW on the counter spread for Master! By the tone of his voice this was an order not a request.... his teeth biting this sluts neck hard his hand reaching under this sluts skirt.... forcing three fingers so deep in this sluts tight soaked pussy.... with force he was pushing this slut up on to the sink counter! This slut let out a low deep moan as her pussy was being stretched beyond comfort. Wiggling to make sluts way on to the counter pushing her withering body onto the sink counter. Placing each foot on the counter with sluts thighs spread wide...

Dom Chuck comments.... This is the best tornado I have ever been in... what a beautiful pussy your Master owns! He stepped back gazing at this slut......You do know that at the munch I was watching your Master and two others fucking your tight little holes & hoping for permission to be granted to fuck you??? Well it looks like today is my lucky day!

Forcefully stretching this sluts throbbing pussy with all four finger now Dom Chuck states.... This slut does know this Master is going to take whatever he pleases dont you??? This slut replied ... Yes Master I am here to satisfy you as ordered by this sluts Master. Just then he pulled his soaked fingers from this sluts pussy and filled this sluts hole replacing his fingers with something that felt unfamiliar.... his left hand forcefully fucking this hot dripping pussy and sucking this sluts hard nipples under the halter top. Master Chuck loudly voices his commands.... CUM NOW YOU DIRTY LITTLE BITCH MAKE YOUR MASTER PROUD! This slut let out a scream louder than the roaring thunder that could be hard from the inside out.... as this pussy gushed hot cum all over the counter top of the bathroom.... reaching down to pinch this sluts clit I felt something so hard and cool pounding this sluts pussy.... 

Master Chuck states .... Ohhhh you dirty lil slut you enjoy that big cucumber inside your pussy don't you??? This sluts voice was totally gone and could not be even imagined as Master forced this slut into another full body orgasm.... the words rolling off Master Chucks lips.... " Well this cucumber is going in that tight lil ass of yours and a big hard cock is going to fill that pussy!!!

OMGGGGGGG just then Master ripped the cucumber from this sluts pussy and forced it deep inside this sluts ass.... so tight and full of pressure that one can not even imagine filling my ass.... Master slowly teased the soaked pussy stretching lips around Masters huge throbbing cock.... Master whispers in sluts ear.... " BEG FOR IT YOU DIRTY SLUT..... orgasm continued to be forced out of this sluts dripping cunt... begging for Masters big hard cock just screamed from this sluts throat. Master pounded his big rock hard cock inside and let out a moan unlike anything this slut has heard before.... Ohhh FUCK YESSS your pussy is so sweet! Masters cum exploding inside and just as this slut is on the edge of the biggest orgasm of her life Master reached down grabbing the cucumber in sluts ass and at a rapid pace fucked this sluts ass until cum was squirting from this sluts already used pussy... this sluts body slipped into subspace and quivered on the counter top.. Master Chuck caressing this sluts body over and over until a voice came over the loud speaker....

 The threat of sever weather has past all customer can resume their shopping thank you for your cooperation. 

Master Chuck unlocked the restroom door and turned to this slut standing in front of him and said....And I thank you slut for your cooperation... next time I do hope we can meet under better situation now take that hot sweet pussy home to her Master and tell him proudly you made it worth this Masters while! 

Let me tell you that was the best TORNADO I have ever been in my whole life! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So You Want to Squirt??? Female Ejaculation

So you are interested in squirting..... isn't every female? The ultimate of all orgasms! 

I think getting me to the point of that total release was the best thing my Master ever did for me. To be very honest I never squirted with my husband. For years I went threw life enjoying sex and yet thinking there was something wrong with me because I didn't squirt when I had an orgasm. Well there is a lot to getting to the level of being able to squirt. 

1. Squirting for me at least doesn't just happen on a moments notice. Being completely relaxed and aroused is key to making it happen. So make sure you have plenty of time for foreplay and becoming completely soaked before your partner starts in on the  big O ..... this can't be a quickie!

2. Make sure you are well hydrated.... drink plenty of water during the hours before you will be having this mind blowing experience.

3. Make sure you have practiced locating your g-spot on your own before trying this with a partner. The more you can guild them to the right spot the better chance of getting to squirt. Paying attention to how much pressure and what type of strokes makes your pussy beg for more. Little hint the g-spot is 1-2 inches inside the vagina on the top.... just a rough patch you can feel with your fingers) 

4. Make sure to have plenty of lube! Rubbing with dry fingers will not get the sensations you are looking for!

5. COMMUNICATION is key to making it happen. Be open and honest with your partner about what you need.... faster ? slower? gental  or a little more aggressive  They cant read your mind so communication helps! 

Lastly I would like to add a link to one of the most informative videos I have ever seen on this subject.... after watching this you will be saying ohhhh wowww I want to try that! This guy is truly talented at getting the process correct and is so respectful of his partner when getting her to the level of squirting! VERY GOOD VIDEO for beginners trying to learn how to squirt.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Most Sexy Memorial Day Weekend Plans? How Do you Make the Most of Your Weekend?

What are your favorite ways to spend your Sexy Holiday weekend? Ooooo just the thought of an extra day of no outside responsibilities is an instant turn on.

Packing for sluts escape filled weekend! A time slut can be the truly submissive slut she needs to be. No kids No grankids !!! The suite has been long reserved in Masters name.... thoughts race threw sluts naughty mind.... hot tub? sexy room? room service waiting on us ... Master forbidding slut to be in any clothes! The sexy collar packed in its place in the bag.... now all is set! 

Sexy text message comes across sluts phone... vibrating on the edge of the sink this morning... slut stepped out of the shower to take a peek at it. Standing there soaking wet... with a freshly shaven pussy. 

TEXT MESSAGE: Hi Sexy submissive slut your Master is waiting to fuck you into subspace. Keep that pussy hot and wet shaven and smooth Master is going to have his tongue between sluts smooth pussy lips all weekend sucking on that hard swollen clit! Now cum before slut leaves the house and send Master pictures of that hot smooth pussy! 

Laying on the king sized bed.... spread out rubbing sluts hot needy tits pinching twisting nipples. Opening sluts already packed bag stocked with toys for a highly aroused weekend of Master fucking every hole of sluts body. Slowly pushing the biggest cock inside sluts sweet wet hole. Selecting the biggest to stretch that tight lil hole knowing full well Master will be stretching slut beyond the limits. The goal is to slowly train sluts pussy to take Masters fist. The thought of Masters whole fist deep inside is scary but EXTREMELY HOT too all at the same time! The biggest cock already sliding in and out rubbing along the edge of sluts sensitive clit. Instant gush of hot sticky fluid soaking the cock from tip to firm balls molded out of the finest silky smooth material money can buy. Hearing words spoken...sluts eyes open.... sluts husband standing there naked... stroking slowly his big erect cock.... rubbing his balls... watching slut fucking that tight pussy.

"Its so hot to watch you fucking that tight pussy we both have shared for 25 years. Now thinking about how many men will be using that tight lil hole this weekend I think I need to fuck it one last time before you leave!" 

Thoughts racing threw sluts head... its such a good life knowing that sluts husband understands she needs to be fucked for the weekend by her Master. Jake mounts this slut teasing and telling this slut how its ok to let go this weekend. Basically giving his blessing to his wife to be in a world of her own this weekend. The deep love for Jake is very different after all he is the father of our children but Master gives slut that love of being grounded in a relationship to be used for only his pleasure that incredible need to please someone and obey every order. Switching between the two roles hasnt always been easy sure there have been trials along the way but in the end it is well worth it. The rules are extensive... between the three of us there is a deep understanding of everyones works for us. Jake pulls the big cock from sluts needy pussy ..... still throbbing from need... sluts pussy squeezes Jakes three fingers as he slowly pushes inside this slut. Jake whispers in sluts ear.... you truly are a sex slut arn't you? pussy hot and dripping with cum from jake fucking this sluts pussy first with three fingers as his cock teased sluts clit. He says beg for it slut? Beg like you cant be without it this weekend! PLEASEEEEEE JAKE slut MOANS begging for his big cock! Jake switches pounds the toy cock inside this sluts throbbing pussy.... This slut lets out a scream as he explodes his cum squirting  all over sluts tits.... he slaps sluts face saying go be fucked by your Master but that hot cunt will be coming home to be fucked by ME! 

Enjoy the weekend everyone this slut is going to! 

To Be Continued! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

How to Determine if a D/s Relationship will work out? Focusing on Needs Wants and Hard Limits

When I first started thinking about what a D/s relationship would look like I did a lot of research because I had no clue. A D/s relationship is not something to just jump into lightly....this is someone that you will play with submit to and trust. These type of relationships take time to build a strong bond. How can you find the right Dom if you have no clue what you want out of the relationship? or what your own needs and wants are?  What are your boundaries? Hard Limits? Soft Limits? If you are new to the D/s BDSM lifestyle you may not know yet what you like or don't like. I'm going to show you an example of my needs and wants including relationship limits and play limits.


What I need in a D/s relationship:

My Master needs to be understanding of me and patient. I would rather not have a new just starting out Master but rather someone with experience in the BDSM community. I would like a Master that has a compassionate side but yet can hold me accountable for things I may do that are not pleasing to him. I don't want to have to try to read my Masters mind I need open and honest communication. I would like the relationship to start out slow till we get to know each other to see if its a relationship match that will work for both of us. Needs to be a Master I can build trust in...a D/s relationship cant work if there's no trust.  

What Activities I would NEED OR WANT:

Some of my preferences are needs things I don't feel I could be without in a D/s relationship and others are just strong desires that could be worked threw with the right Master.

NEEDS: Play I enjoy

Spanking- Paddle/Hand
Intense Physical Play
Bondage- Rope is a huge turn on for me
                cuffs/ restrains leather
Sexy Boots
Spreader Bars
Leashes and Collared- public / private
Anal- Receiving
Oral- Giving and Receiving
Vibrators/ Dildos
Anal Plug
Anal Play
Anal Beads
Watching Porn
Total Power Exchange
24/7 submission
Shaved Clean-Self
Restrictive Rules for Behavior
Nipple / Clit Pinching
Masturbation- Private and Public
                      with Partner Self and /Or 
                      in front of others
Hair Play- Pony/ Pig Tails
Daddy/Baby Girl Relationship
Mind Control
Following Orders- Submission
Double Penetration- Toys
Sexy Lingerie
Pain- Mild to Medium
Ben Wa Balls

WANTS: Play I would be interested in exploring

Whipping- would like to experiment with various types
Poly Relationship
Forced Multiple Orgasms
Forced Rape Themed Sex Fantasy/Rape
Orgasm on Demand
Orgasm Denial
Nipple Clamps
Female Ejaculation
Double Penetration - multiple partners
Clit Pumping
Breast Fucking
Extended use butt plug/ dildo
Nudity Public (legal) events/ friends
Labia Clips
Hot Oil/Wax Play
Outdoor Sex
Pussy Whipping
Food Play
Ritual Spiritual non-religious 

WHAT ARE MY HARD LIMITS: Play Not Interested In!

NO Urine Play
NO Feces Play
NO Animal Play
NO Needle Play
NO Prostitution
NO UnderAge Play
NO Fire Play
NO Gun Play
NO Choking
NO Electric Play

Compassionate / Dedicated / Passive/ Good Listener/ Communication/ Trustworthy/ Desire to Serve/ Artistic/ Creative/ Selfless/ Giving/ Good Personality/ Enjoy Nature/ Spiritual non religious / Open to new experiences/ Caring/ Willing to Work on Areas in my Life/ Open to change

Can be jealous if in a relationship that honestly isn't a strong point / Dealing with childhood Abuse/ Possible Fear of Abandonment (working threw this) / Trust in new relationships/ Body Image- thinking Im way to over wt when I'm in the upper limit of normal for ht


Making a detailed list of your thoughts on what a D/s type relationship might look like for you is very helpful in looking for the right match. Doing this in a written form can be a useful tool when talking with a future Master about your Needs Wants and Hard Limits. In the beginning there may be many things that you are unsure of and will need some time to explore ..... read about or experiment with a partner and/ or alone. I know for myself my list has changed many times over the years so don't feel like once you write out a list like this that its set in stone! When forming your personal list its important to be honest with yourself .... you will learn a great deal about yourself.... take time when exploring all these areas of your life. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

BDSM - WHAT IS A Submissive?

So I get asked many questions about Submission...........

What does it mean to be a submissive?

What does it take to be a good submissive?

How can I be a better submissive to my Master?

Many of the answers to these questions are very personal and are different in each situation. I will give some of my thoughts and feelings about how I came to submission but want to make it clear that how i think and feel may not be the same for your Master and yourself.

First off ..... What does it mean to be a submissive?

Many miss guided people searching for info about submission tend to think its all about the SEX. While in some cases a weekend or just a play submissive may be just that... only submissive for sex purposes. For me being a submissive is part of my personality and who I was born to be not something that I woke up one morning and decided oh it might be fun to be a submissive today. I think there are very much personality traits that one has which make being a submissive very natural and spiritual sense of self. 

For the longest time my outward appearance was that of dominance and control. I needed to be the one controlling every part of my life due to coping skills learned in order to deal with abusive people in my life. I spiraled down out of control with a diagnosed eating disorder that almost ended my life... in my attempt to control everything in my life including food and the lack there of. During periods of extreme control Ive always been miserable and felt empty needing something more in my life. I built many walls around myself in order to protect what was on the inside. 

To me being a submissive means to be allowed to finally be the person Ive always meant to be from birth. The submissive part of me has always been tucked away in my soul begging to be let out but with a safe partner that will have my best interest at heart. Trust is a huge part of submission! If your Master doesn't have your best interest in mind then sometimes its not submission its control and abuse. Looking back to my past abusive relationships... even back as far as age 12.... i see how i was always an easy target for abuse due to my personality traits of being a submissive. Ive always longed for someone to serve and please in the most extreme way... to give myself to someone so unselfishly. I just see now that i allowed others to take advantage of that and use me for their own needs without regard to what was in my best interest. 

Secondly..... What does it take to be a good submissive?

To me being a good submissive has never been about the act of doing something perfect. When I am matched with the right Master being a good submissive comes naturally. My deepest desire is to serve my Master. I trust my Master to guide me to what will make me a better submissive for his needs. Not all Masters what the same things from their submissive. Something I ask myself threw out the day in every situation is .... What will please my Master the most? When Master is happy it is then that I can be truly happy and content with myself. Oh you will have days when you just don't feel up to doing something or have an internal struggle about doing something that isn't easy or comfortable at the time but in the end that doesn't make you a bad submissive it only means you are human. Ways i work on being a better submissive is to build self confidence to feel better about who i am on the inside and to build my self worth.... of course always putting my Master at the center of all those feelings. 

Third .........How can I be a better submissive to my Master?

1. Work on any problems you have emotionally.... work to deal with the baggage from your past if you have any. My history of emotional/ physical and childhood sexual abuse are all things I work on daily in order to be able to be a better submissive.

2. Ask your Master... being open and honest is the best policy. Find out what his true needs are from his submissive. Get on the same page. Your Master cant read or mind and neither can you his. Keep in mind what his needs are and the rest will come naturally.

3. When your Master directs you to improve on something don't take it personal.... take the information serious and actually work to make it better. Ignoring your Masters advice is not such a great way to build a healthy relationship so always acknowledge his thoughts and feelings on things. If its something you cant do or need additional guidance on to improve it then tell him so. 

4. Don't hide your feelings. I think all to many times a submissive feels they cant share certain things with their Master..... to this I say how can your Master mold you into his true submissive if he don't know the real you. 

Some additional reading that may you read more and more you will find things that relation to your desires and those of your Masters. I encourage everyone to gain as much information as they can when deciding if these things apply to your relationship......




What is a submissive?

So now its your turn....... What does submission mean to you? How do you work towards being a better submissive for your Master? When did you come to realize you are a submissive and how?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sexy Reader Tuesday- Reader Submitted Post Mother's Day Surprise- The New Toy

So this is my free blog day... I call it Sexy Reader Tuesday! We will be posting writings we received by email from readers from this blog and the many other areas on the net we connect with sexy people like you. 

This post comes from a reader named Master'sBabySlut she has given permission to share this post.
My Master is my life. I live to obey him in every part of my soul. I don't know any other life because this was what I was born to be. Others may look at me and find my life disturbing or out of the norm but to me this is normal. 


This morning I woke up to my Master giving orders like any other day.

Good morning my slut he said in his deep tone that would frighten most but slut sees threw to his inner soul and knows the real man. Slut replied Yes Master it is a good morning  He gave the usual morning orders which had slut believing this would be just as any other morning. Slut remained totally naked, made sluts bed and Masters bed. He told slut... job well done my little one! Little did I know what was in store next for this slut. This slut climbed onto Master's bed as instructed every morning...presented to Master- kneeling in the center of the bed thighs spread wide sluts ass resting on heels, sluts hands resting on top of this sluts thighs, with sluts chest out neck tilted slightly back for Master to have a good view of Masters collar locked in place around sluts neck. Master ordered slut to close eyes. 

Feeling something soft brushing over hard sensitive nipples. Sluts needy pussy was tingling.... thoughts racing threw sluts head.... as the same soft object rubbed against sluts smooth shaven pussy lips. What could it be? Masters cock? The brush of soft leather from the whip? Sluts mind racing hoping it was the leather of the flogger... oh how slut loved it when Master brought slut just to edge of orgasm and suddenly stop to place red stripes on sluts ass with the leather. Just the thought of it, sluts pussy was gushing with hot juices. Master granted permission to open sluts eyes. A single red rose! Master's words flowing into sluts ear as Master whispered in between sucking one hard nipple to the next..... Master loves you baby happy mothers day weekend- Master has something very special planned for you. 

Oh the excitement over came slut hearing those words and slut needed to cum so bad! Unconsciously begging Masters permission to have an orgasm! Master sigh'd a bit and granted one... my beautiful slut you may have one orgasm! The words where so painful to hear.... ONE.... only ONE! How can a needy slut only have ONE??? The thought crossed sluts mind to ask permission to just wait explaining slut couldn't just stop at one.... but it was ever to late to request that. Still in the middle of Masters king sized bed presenting... Master locks the cuffs into place to restrain sluts wrists behind sluts back. Master gives the order to rise a bit.... Masters hand slides under sluts ass.... Master begins to play with sluts ass probing with a single wet finger. Asking- This slut loves to have her Master stretching sluts ass don't she? YES Master! Soon two fingers stretching asshole so wide the pain radiating down sluts thighs all the way to sluts crossed ankles! Fleeting thoughts.... don't cum don't cum slut is only allowed ONE! Soon Master said in a extreme ordering voice.... CUM NOW SLUT! This slut gathered up every earth shaking orgasm feeling and let out a screaming moan..... squirting hot cum all over.... resisting the uncontrollable waves of a second orgasm. Master leans into this slut... asking Does this slut need Master to give slut another orgasm??? YES Master Please allow this slut another orgasm. OK slut close your eyes and Master will give slut the best Mothers Day gift of all.

Eyes closed and anticipating the rush of Masters loving touch. This slut knew better than to open those eyes. The moments seemed endless waiting... the hot tingling sensations building deep inside. A touch of a firm grip on sluts shoulders... then a click of the leash hooking to the black leather collar slut proudly wears as a symbol of who owns this slut. Without resistance slut is positioned on the bed arms and legs spread wide... cuffs restraining wrists to each of the head of the bed posts and shackles around ankles restraining each to the posts at the foot of the bed.. spreader bar positioned between sluts needy thighs. Eyes still closed tight images of slut being fully exposed to the view of Masters hungry eyes flashing threw sluts mind like a motion movie. 

Master whispering in sluts ear as Master starts to caress sluts neck with his soft lips .. saying slut cant move? cant stop anything that is happening? poor needy lil slut needs to be fucked? Oh what is a needy slut supposed to do all tied up on mothers day and at the full submission to her Master? All worked up and being denied a second orgasm.... the torture.... the need building inside sluts pussy! 

Then slut felt something so earth shaking shocking... with Master sucking sluts hard pointed nipples... a sudden sensation of two fingers spreading those needy pussy lips wider...another hand rubbing sluts inner thigh.... and a hot smooth tongue flicking sluts hard swollen clit! Sluts mind racing... thoughts.... how could this be? Master sucking hard nipples and clit at same time? In sluts disoriented sex craved mind it suddenly become reality that this wasn't possible to do unless there was another partner involved!!! The look of surprise must have been obvious because Master said oh not yet my precious lil slut keep them eyes closed tight Master applying the mask as usual when Master wants to make certain sluts eyes are not peeking.... you will be granted permission to see your Mother's Day surprise soon enough just lay back and enjoy orgasm and cum as much as slut needs to!!! The tone he used made this slut know it was an order! Nothing could have stopped slut from enjoying anyway at this point...the sheer pleasure of something so wet and smooth as a hot tongue now fucking sluts tight sexy craved pussy! Slut was brought to intense full body shaking orgasms over and over at least 10 times over... moaning and screaming in pure subspace! The act went on for hours at times bringing this slut just to the edge and backing down just to build it all up to total release. In the midst of it all slut became very comfortable with the reality of TWO partners fucking sluts pussy in a variety of ways... unable to even tell when it was her Master or another! Something slut was never allowed to do before. Every hole was caressed.... mouth pussy ass.....some at the same time! Toys and object probing sluts ass now full of the largest black cock shaped butt plug stretching to the point of mind blowing pain! Master knows how much slut is a pain slut!!! Soon the act took a shocking turn of events! 

Master so lovingly removed the mask and granted permission to open sluts eyes..... OMG slut was in total shock!!! The other partner was not another Master but another female slut!! One that Master had introduced this slut to at a munch we had attended months earlier! Master had always known.. it wasn't any secret to sluts desires to be lovingly fucked by another female but would only do it with Masters permission. Master smiled and wished this slut a Happy Mothers Day - unlocked the restrains... ordered slut on all four limbs. Now another slut positions under neath this slut licking sluts pussy clean of all the hot juices... Masters positioned behind sluts ass hands rubbing up and down thighs... one hand removing tight butt plug...while Master took out his big hard cock forcefully pushing it into sluts now empty asshole.. Master yells.. take it all in my beautiful slut as his hand hits hard on sluts ass leaving Masters hand print lovingly marking HIS property! Master exploded inside sluts tight ass just at the same moment this slut orgasms squirting hot cum all over the slut paying special attention to this sluts pussy! Master giving other slut the order go clean yourself job well done! 

Laying in Masters arms he explains. I've known for a long time the inner craving you have to be fucked by another female. The rules will be... she is your living masturbation toy.... no emotions ..... only to be used to self pleasure when Master is away on business trips...she will be the slut you call upon as Master calls home and orders slut to have intense orgasms... only to be used with permission and then sent away... do you understand? Yes Master thank you for allowing slut a new toy to orgasm with!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Anal Sex Guide for Men & Women: Ass Orgasm

I can remember back to when I first tried anal sex ..... my first thought was omg I am NEVER going to try that again it hurt like hell !!!! 
Well I will tell you all that today I feel very different about it. Anal sex can and should feel pleasurable when done correctly. 

Its all about how you take the time to prepare the ass to open up and allow a cock or plug to enter. I think of preparing the ass like how nature prepares the body for child birth. Now anal sex don't take hours on end to prepare for anal sex like how the body takes hours of labor to prepare for a birth.... but its similar in that things go much more smoothly if the stretching is done a bit at a time and not all at once.

I found that experimentation with anal play helps to know how to guide your having some time with a plug will help you to prepare your ass. Plenty of lube is a must and might I say starting off with a small size plug works best. You will soon discover that slow and steady is the key.... rubbing the plug around the outer edge of that asshole while send the signal that its time to play. Short in and out strokes with the plug not pushing in to fast helps. Then before you know it this wonderful full feeling of having your ass stretched over comes you and there's no pain involved!!! Feeling that pressure deep inside when the ass is full is very erotic and combined with rubbing and nice wet hard clit can have mind blowing effects of the full body orgasm we all search for.

A Very good tutorial on how to find pleasure in anal sex click the link below!!! 

Anal Sex Guide for Men & Women: Evolution, Health of Prostate, History, G Spot, Ass Orgasm, Gay:

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Wow I knew there was something I loved about the month of May!


To celebrate national masturbation month we are doing a little poll here at Project Sexology

-How many times a month do you masturbate?

-Whats your favorite lubrication?

-Do you enjoy masturbating alone? or in front of a friend?

-Whats your favorite go to toy for masturbating with?

-Have you ever masturbated in public? If so where?

Answer above in comments section sure and add details!!! 
Interested in learning more on the history of National Masturbation Day click HERE

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Thoughts on Open Relationships-Building of An Open Relationship is it right for you?

For the past several years I have been giving a lot of thought to what an open type relationship would look like. The more I've read and spoke with other people on the topic the more I have became interested in exploring this as an option for my future. At the current moment my Husband is not at all interested in being part of an open type relationship. Some of his resistance to the idea is that he lacks the understanding of what is the basis of my desire to explore this. We truly have different views for our lives. 

What does being in an open relationship mean to you?  Many people that have never experienced being part of an open relationship think the main purpose of it is to be able to have sex with more than one partner. While this does happen it is a much deeper situation than just sexual intercourse.

From my view point switching from a monogamy type relationship to a more open type relationship requires both parties to sit down and talk about what is acceptable and what is not. Draw that line that they don't want each other to cross. It takes a healthy strong relationship to turn the path and switch to a more open format. 

Building serious long term relationships with more than one partner is definitely something I would like to explore further without crossing the line. Obtaining my husbands blessing before exploring with another partner on a sexual level.... so it doesn't cross into the grey area of cheating. I think when couples attempt an adventure like this it can have the potential for strengthening the existing bond.... spelling out the rules of the road before hand...NOT just jumping in feet first and sinking to the bottom. Jealousy can make or break this type of relationship so you must have a relationship built on trust first.


What brought me to the thoughts of a poly relationship in the first place? I think everyone has a very different reason for their interest in exploring this as an option. In the beginning of my research about this I honestly didn't know why I felt the attraction to poly. I learned a lot about myself in the journey to understand the making of a poly relationship.

While exploring information on what this lifestyle choice is like I learned that being physically or emotionally attracted to another human during a time of being in a monogamy type relationship is very NORMAL. Discovering that I could wrap my head around this fact was ultimately the most freeing moment in my life. 

Years ago my husband had an affair with someone he worked with in his job. Finding out devastated me at the time. I was unable to forgive him and carried around years of hatred- which i have long ago dealt with. Strangely it was never either of our intentions to end the marriage.... the basis of the affair was not to replace me as his wife. He ended the affair and we continued on in the marriage. I stuffed the emotions thoughts and feelings about the affair deep in my soul vowing to myself to never visit those raging feelings again. No matter how hard I tried for years I felt abandoned and full of mistrust.

So back to NOW.... Is it possible to have a marriage that is monogamy based and NEVER have one of those moments of feeling attracted physically or emotionally to another human? No it is not because we are all very sexual social creatures and it is normal to have the fleeting moment when these emotions just happen naturally. 

What happened to my husband with the affair? He had a moment of very normal natural human response- and he acted on it to meet his basic human needs at the time. Humans where not designed to be with only one other human for their life time. Society has made anything other than monogamy to be seen as taboo. Do I think that going out and having multiple affairs without your partners knowledge is OK? No definitely not! Is it OK to get your emotional needs met from more than one human? Possibly if you both decide to dive into a open relationship... poly arrangement.


1. Get rid of the guilt-Feelings of guilt that creeps into a relationship when the natural attraction to another human happens can produce a huge array of emotions...guilt stress anxiety mistrust abandonment just to name a few. In open relationships these emotions are dealt with ahead of time and removed because it is something that is planned and expected to happen. Approval of your partner lifts the feelings of guilt.... as long as both parties are in line with the arrangement.

2. Change is healthy-In a typical wedding vow we all know the words "For better or worse.... till death do us part" These words do not take into account how each partner may change threw out the relationship. It is pretty unrealistic to assume that both partners will always have the same needs and desires. In many marriages peoples needs change but that does not mean they don't love each other. It would not be healthy to continue on in a marriage that both people can not get their needs met. Usually these changes lead to one or both people feeling stuck and unsatisfied.... then tragically ending in divorce....but it doesn't have to end this way in poly relationships.

3. Getting our cup filled from more than one pitcher- When mutually agreed upon getting our emotional needs met by more than one person can relieve a lot of stress for both parties. Having another persons thoughts on situations can be beneficial too.

4. Unconditional love with your partner- When an open relationship exists and the primary relationship is the center for both partners it builds that trust in unconditional love that we are deep down inside all seeking. 

5. Complete Honesty- Knowing you have an open relationship and that you can share intimate feelings with your partner builds a strong foundation of honesty and trust. Would you rather be in a mono relationship that you felt you needed to hide your emotional attachment feelings about another person or an open and honest based poly relationship that you felt comfortable to explore your desires together? No right or wrong answer... poly is not for everyone.... just my personal thoughts.

An excellent source of information can be found in looking into what the relationship dynamic are of each type.FOUND HERE

Considering what model you and your partner are more drawn towards will help with setting up the contract of what is and isn't allowed in the relationship. Respecting each others views of the relationship will help in maintaining the trust and security of the primary relationship over time.

If your in a poly open relationship please feel free to post comments. If this is a type of relationship you are looking to build feel free to post those comments also :)

Life Coach/Graphic Artist/ Author

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sexual Expression Communicating Sexual Desires (PART 2)

So you are in your peaceful comfy place (from PART 1 of this post)  its time to start getting to the place in your mind that you can explore your sexual desires. Open communication with your partner most likely doesn't come natural at first unless you are a very confident person. So how do we get to that level of confidence? 

Lets start by asking why is it that I am really not sure of what I need sexually from my partner? I know for me I had always felt it was bad to express myself in a sexual way like it was taboo to talk about. What was the norms in your family growing up? Was sex something you felt comfortable talking to a parent about when you hit those teen years? Or was sex something that was very uncomfortable to talk about in front of your parents? Typically we all are conditioned to think sex is something dirty and needs to be kept to ourselves. This thinking leads to problems when our sexual needs are not being met in a relationship.

This first experience is all about being comfortable while totally naked. Start by closing your eyes and thinking about how the clothing feels on your skin. Describe the texture of it.... soft rough silky??? Next rub your hands on the clothing over your thighs, abdomen, arms, ass, pussy/cock, breasts/ chest and your face. Let your mind wonder ..... how does it feel when you rub each area? Do some areas make you feel anxiety or tense? Try to relax and feel comfortable rubbing those areas. 

After you are completely comfortable in the steps above and have got past any apprehensions rubbing causes while fully clothed you are ready to move on to step two. For this next step you will need to fully undress. Find a relaxing position laying on your back or side. Close your eyes and think about how you feel laying there totally naked. Do you have any anxieties about being exposed? Or does it arouse you? Challenge any negative thoughts and tell yourself the human body is a beautiful piece of art. You are a beautiful person inside and out. 

Now go threw the same process as above that you did with your clothes on. Rubbing your hands on your skin varying the pressure of your hands to massage your skin. Imagine any tension leaving your body.... focus on relaxing all your muscles. Spending extra time on the sexual parts of your body...areas that can cause you to become aroused. Feel the arousal building inside yourself? Tingling? Heart Rate increase? Change in breathing? At this point we are only rubbing light touch the goal is not to orgasm but rather explore what increases our arousal. Continue to explore with your hands until you are perfectly comfortable touching all areas of your anatomy.Ask yourself questions along the way.... EXAMPLES:

-Does it feel good to rub my breasts? How much stimulation does 
 it take to make my nipples hard and erect? After nipples are hard
 how does it feel to twist them? Pull them? Flick them with my fingers? 
-Does rubbing my inner thigh feel better with a light touch or more firm touch? 
-Does rubbing my pussy/ cock cause instant arousal or do I need a more constant approach over several minutes? 
-At what point did my pussy become wet? Was it with focusing on my nipples or did I need direct contact with my pussy to start to feel wet?

 If the arousal becomes to intense and you start to feel out of control like you will orgasm if you continue.... STOP for few minutes and wait till the urge subsides. REMEMBER we are only exploring what works best for our body to increase arousal. Everyone has different sexual zones that work best for them when increasing arousal. Finding those areas and how much stimulation you need will get you in touch with what you need from your partner. 

The above exercises may be beneficial to repeat several times till you are comforted with your body. The more you practice the more comfortable you will get with your own sexual desires. After completing the above lay there with your eyes closed..... hands at your sides..... and focus on the feelings of arousal you where able to achieve in your body. How did it make you feel? What worked the best? If you had to stop because the arousal become to intense how long did it take for the urge to subside? Knowing how to build arousal in your body can make the sexual experience very enjoyable to both of you. 

How to use this to have a better sexual experience with my partner......

Think about all the areas that increased your arousal. Next time you are with your partner gently guide his or her hands to those areas during foreplay. Practice building and letting the arousal subside several times before actual intercourse. Orgasms that are built upon gentally slowly building threw foreplay repeatedly tend to be much more intense mind blowing orgasms. Learning your body limits to build and subside over and over will prove to be the source of great orgasms in the long run.

Life Coach/ Graphic Artist/ Author

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sexual Expression Communicating Sexual Desires (PART 1)

Does your  sexual needs go unmet in the bedroom? Are you socially withdrawn from communicating your deepest  sexual needs, desires and fantasies? How do we get past this in our lives? 

Communication about sexual satisfaction doesn't need to be awkward! So how do we get past this and get to the freeing and open honest discussion about sex? Lately these are some of the most asked questions in my inbox. 

Be open and honest with yourself is the first step. If you don't know what you want then how can you ask for it from your partner. So many partners say "Our sex life has gone down the tubes!" but when asked what each of them need... to have a better sex life they cant answer that question. Search your inner self to find the answer. If you are confident about what your needs are it will make things a bit easier to start the conversation with your partner.

How to search your inner self to get to the root of your sexual needs?

Something that really helps is to spend some quiet time alone. Similar to the benefits of meditation practices. Pick a time when you can be uninterrupted.... when husband is at work, children are at school, the house is empty! Allow for plenty of free time this is not something you can rush threw. Go to a place in the house that is peaceful, calm and comfortable... for many of us that's a bedroom. Preferably with a lock on the door (personal preference for me).... having an unexpected visitor can make for a very uncomfortable situation for both of you!

Now that you are in your comfort space there are many things you can do to get in touch with your sexual needs and desires. Explore exactly what it is that you need from your partner. Part 2 (the next post) will start to go over detailed ideas to help you in your adventure.... do all the experiences in one time frame or just a few saving the rest for the next time. We will be breaking this into PARTS to make it easier to follow and focus on each step.

Feel free to post questions along the way in your journey to finding your sexual freedom! We will be happy to answer questions and help guide you anyway we can. We are all highly sexual creatures and unlocking those deepest sexual desires is a very freeing experience! Share your experience in the comments is an excellent way to become more confident in sexual communication... at the same time connecting with other that are on their own journey. As always practice safe sex.... that's not only for real life but goes for online too! 

Life Coach/Graphic Artist/Author

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Welcome to the Project Sexology Blog!

Welcome we truly hope to inspire you to search with in your inner self to explore your sexual being. The topic of sexual expression has long been taboo and a bit of a private matter. As a life coach Ive learned the true art of allowing those wants and desires to freely flow into building better relationships, a sense of self confidence and self worth.

Do you feel satisfied in your sexual lifestyle? If your answer is yes then it will be easy to build upon it. If you are not satisfied in your sexual lifestyle then open your mind into reaching for what you need. 

Sexual satisfaction doesn't need to be something scheduled as a once a week activity that a couple shares. Sexual freedom comes in many different forms and is something you can feel 24/7.

In the months to come we will be sharing many articles, research, art, tips and advice on everything related to exploring your Sexology as we call it.

We encourage our followers to post any questions they may have and we will do our best to answer them and give information to help you achieve the highest level of satisfaction in your sexual life style.